Aidan Lim Homepage

School Address and Phone Number:

789 Wildcat Way, Brea CA 92821
(714) 990-7850
School Webpage

Welcome to my Homepage!

My name is Aidan Lim and I am a sophmore in GITA 2.

-> (Projects are located at the bottom of the page) <-

Some things that I learned in GITA 1 is the basics of computer science. It taught me how to read code and how the projects are ran.
The program that guided me throughout the journey was visual studios which supported C#. There were many challenges, but I learned how
to persevere above it.

In GITA 2, the coding is a little bit different. We switched from C# to HTML which is more focused towards web development. Some things that I want to work on this year
HTML has some similarities with C#, but I feel like HMTL is more relevant towards me and grants more freedom.

Some of my plans for my future educational goal is to hopefully attend UC Berkeley. I visited their campus during a trip and I loved their atmosphere.
I currently want to follow my career in the medical field. For now in highschool, I want to graduate with all As and hopefully be valedictorian.

A career that I want to persue is anything in the medical field like a doctor. I want to be able to help people that I know with my own knowledge.
It also lets me feel like I am contributing to society.

I am currently taking 5 AP classes during my sophmore year in highschool. These classes are AP Compsci Principles, AP Euro, AP Precalc, AP World, and AP Seminar.

The GITA program is about teaching the new generation the future of computer science. With a rise of technology rising, computer science gains significant importance.
They will lead the people into a more advanced future. GITA uses languages such as C#, Javascript, and HTML.

I hope to increase my activity in extracurricular. I am currently hosting a brawl star's club, but I want to be more active in red cross. I want to join HOSA and the academic decathlon team. I currently volunteer with Serving Advantage which is a organization that helps kids with mental disability.

Social Media Webpage

Date: 8/23/24

In this project we researched on the ethics of social media

Social Media Webpage

Date: 8/27/24

In this project we made a fake business card for my fake company.


Date: 9/3/24

In this project I put 15 graphics that represent me

Merchandise Store

Date: 9/11/24

In this project I created a webpage with a fake store that calculates costs of items.

Dice Program

Date: 9/20/24

In this project I would roll two dices and showed the statistics of each sum.

Crap Games

Date: 9/25/24

In this project I would recreate the las vegas crap games using the dices from last program.

Merchandise Store Upgrade

Date: 10/3/24

In this project I would upgrade the store that I made by taking in discounts and a survey.

Circle Bounce

Date: 10/4/24

In this project I would have a little animation of a circle bouncing around a box.

Basic Space Invader

Date: 10/17/24

In this project I would recreate the iconic space invader game. Use A and D to move the ship left and right and a spacebar to shoot.

Tank Project

Date: 10/25/24

In this project I would have a tank move in all directions shooting at targets that randomly move around.

Circle Object

Date: 10/31/24

In this project it is like the circle bounce project, but with multiple objects.

Submarine Project

Date: 11/15/24

In this project it has a submarine that constantly floats up if not holding down the key "s". The goal is to protect the grey fish from the other fishes.

Number Array

Date: 11/20/24

In this project it has an array with a size of 1000 that looks for the user's number by searching through it 5000 times

Number Array Upgrade

Date: 12/4/24

In this project it has an upgraded version of the number array where we utilize binary search.

Circle Art

Date: 12/16/24

In this project I animated a pattern of circles being drawn.